square edges using a decal. Use Microscale set 87-904 for
the number boards.
Once all of the decals are applied, give your model a clear coat
to seal everything. I wanted my model to look like it was re-
cently painted but had been working hard, so I used a 50:50
mix of Testors Glosscote and Dullcote applied with an airbrush.
Brush-paint the window gaskets black, the MU and brake hoses
grimy black, and dry-brush a bit of silver paint onto the ends
of the MU hoses. Paint the fuel filler cap and fuel gauges red.
Paint the spare coupler knuckles on the rear pilot roof brown
or another rusty brown color.
57. Installing nano-LEDs in ditch lights.
Pan-Am SD45R part 2 - 10
Assembly and weathering
Assemble the trucks, ensuring you have the right side frame
in the right position and the wheelset with the shortened
ends in the center position of the front truck. Add some La-
belle 106 grease to the gears as you assemble the trucks. In-
stall the motor, drive shafts, and trucks into the frame. Use
a bit of Labelle 106 grease on the sliding portion of each
driveshaft and a drop of Labelle 102 oil on each worm gear
bearing. Install the frame weight and place the shell on the
chassis. Do not worry about securing the shell with screws at
58. Resistors and wires secured in shell with Kapton
MRH-Nov 2014