Additional crews are needed for the steel mill job, the various
transfer runs, the eight local switching jobs, and trains called
out of Undercliff Yard. Over a 24-hour period, approximately
20 trains will traverse the layout and over that same 24-hour
period, all of the industries on the layout will be served. To
accomplish this, the crews must spot over 500 cars. Car cards
and waybills are used for car routing, and switch lists assist
crews in getting cars to the right spot. Cameras are used at
the east and west staging yards to assist crews in getting their
trains in and out of those locations.
The future
Additional staging was recently added to both the east and west
end of the layout. During construction, operations were put on
33. A Southern Railway transfer run works its way through the
street trackage along Pete Rose Way.
34. A Monongah, WV to St. Louis, MO manifest passes #153 at Hills-
boro. #153 waits to pick up cars off the Hillsboro set-out track.
35. Another shot of the power for #401 as it crosses White
Oak Creek.