59. MRH15-01-Jan2015-L - page 106

all of the available positions during a session. In addition to
through trains, numerous trains either originate or terminate
at Undercliff Yard. There are transfer runs to and from various
locations on the railroad. Undercliff Yard requires four people,
including a yardmaster, east end and west end switcher crews,
and a roustabout crew. Add in all of the locals, and the layout
becomes a very busy place in a hurry!
Operating sessions are based upon a 24-hour period. Each ses-
sion is either the “day shift” or the “night shift,” with subsequent
sessions picking up where the last one left off. Yard crews are
assigned to both Undercliff Yard and Oasis Yard. In addition to
the yard crews, there are east crews and west crews that run the
eastbound locals and through trains, and the westbound locals
and through trains.
26. The local lumber dealer in Hillsboro is unloading a Milwau-
kee Road boxcar.
27. The caboose of a V&O local passes Elgar Brown’s farm on the
west side of Hillsboro.
28. After waiting for #401 to pass, #152 gets a signal and con-
tinues eastward.
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