59. MRH15-01-Jan2015-L - page 100

15. : A view of the old V&O station, MOW shed and abandoned
boxcar in Hillsboro.
16. A local switching move heads past a long row of industries on
the near west side of Cincinnati.
small industries, including a coal dealer and a lumber yard. The
main line then proceeds to Hillsboro where the K&LE inter-
changes with the Virginian & Ohio. Like many railroad model-
ers, John was highly influenced by Allen McClelland and his
legendary V&O. The V&O line running east from Dayton passed
through Hillsboro and John thought it would be fitting to have
an interchange here with the K&LE. Ever the gracious indi-
vidual that he is, Allen supplied John with several of sets of V&O
decals for rolling stock and locomotives and gave his approval
to model the interchange.
In Hillsboro, the old V&O main line crosses the K&LE, serv-
ing a number of small industries and ends just east of town. In
order to move its mainline traffic out of the center of Hillsboro,
the V&O acquired trackage rights on the K&LE main through
Hillsboro. The joint main line runs from just north of town to
the east side of Hillsboro where the V&O leaves the K&LE for its
own tracks east to Charleston, WV. In addition to the inter-
change with the V&O in Hillsboro, the K&LE serves a number of
industries on the west side of town.
From Hillsboro, the K&LE main line heads east to a nine track
staging yard representing Chillicothe, OH and the railroad’s east
terminus at Monongah, West Virginia. The V&O main line out
of Hillsboro heads east to a three track staging yard represent-
ing Charleston, WV.
The largest portion of the layout is built on free-standing
benchwork which is primarily box frame benchwork, with some
L-girder sections. The Eggleston Avenue switching district and
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