47. MRH14-01-Jan2014-L.pdf - page 8

from Apple, a new Google Nexus 10 can be had for $399 and a
full-sized Kindle Fire HD goes for $379.
Remember, I was writing this in 2008 when a full-featured lap-
top was $1000+ and a low-end laptop was $600.
We were certainly a bit ahead of our time back in 2008-2009.
Technology has caught up with us: MRH is now quite readable
and very portable on tablets and smartphones – and searching
an electronic magazine is a breeze compared to paper!
I could go on-and-on about the publishing innovation side of
MRH, but this little look back shows how we were at the right
place at the right time. If you want more retrospective on the
publishing innovation side of MRH, see this issue’s Staff Notes.
How about the content? How have we done there?
With this issue, we’ve now produced 47 magazines, each of
120 pages (Gen2: spreads) or more. If we look at total article
content and take out the ads, we’ve delivered over 3500 pages
of articles on model railroading, all completely free!
Of course, the hobby advertisers have paid the freight for you,
so we owe them a lot of thanks.
The recent concern expressed on our forums that we don’t
feature enough steam lead me back to see how we’ve done on
cover stories across these 47 issues, and here’s what I found:
Our first steam cover: Issue 1
Our first diesel cover: Issue 7
Total steam covers: 9
Total diesel covers: 20
Total rolling stock covers: 11
Total other
covers: 6
1  Other covers include more artistic covers like issue 3’s servos cover or covers that
show modelers running trains on a layout
MRH-Jan 2014
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,...123
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