47. MRH14-01-Jan2014-L.pdf - page 13

As Mike put this eBook
together, it just kept grow-
ing, and growing, and grow-
ing – to become a thorough
chronicle of how to do an
effective model railroad.
As a result, this one eBook
has turned into a four eBook
series! We will be releasing
one eBook per month over
the next 4 months, and if
you want to
you can get a
great discount on it.
And that’s still not all!
In May and June, we’ll
release Ops Live volumes 5
and 6 on the Allagash. We
put several hours of Mike’s
six-hour op session on video
and we’ll be making it pos-
sible for you to visit this op
session on video with us!
These videos will be avail-
able as DVDs and download-
able, and they will come to
TMTV later in 2014 for TMTV
This is all coming the first six
months of 2014. We think
Mike Confalone’s work represents state-of-the-art model rail-
roading at its best, and we want to share it with you this year.
MRH and digital publishing
In preparing for our fifth anniversary, we looked back to the
earliest posts on the MRH forum and found some interest-
ing discussions around our then-new approach to digital
publishing for model railroading.
One reader expressed concern over how to consume digital MRH
content and howmuch time it could take away from actually mod-
eling. Joe Fugate posted the following to answer this question:
The way MRH will work is you can pick the level of involve-
ment you want – there is no right or wrong way to approach
it, since you have to be the judge what constitutes the best
use of your time. If you try to take it all in, you are right – you
won’t have much time to actually be a model railroader.
Here are the levels of involvement I see people having:
If you’re clever, you’ll cherry pick – read the stuff that looks
useful and ignore the rest.
1. Just read the magazine. Forget all the web site stuff.
2. Read the magazine and associated article comment
threads. Forget the blogs and forums on the MRH site.
3. Read the magazine, associated comment threads, and
read the blogs. Forget the discussion forums.
4. Read the magazine, associated comment threads, all the
blogs, and all the discussion forums - and never get any
model railroading done ‘cuz your planted in front the
dang computer so much!
MRH staff notes - 4
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