STEP 11: Preparing the Assembly Base
Continued ...
enough roomwhere the large conveyor meets the breaker for
the roof of the large conveyor to extend in under the breaker
roof. Once you are satisfied with the position of the conveyor
and tower, glue the tower to the base.
At this point I placed a small strip of .060 styrene on top of the
last two roof brackets at the conveyor end and let it extend
over the tower- see the photo above. Be sure that the con-
veyor is placed in the right location, both on the tower and at
the base. If it isn’t, the measurement for the height of the end
brackets will be incorrect.
For the end roof brackets, measure the distance from the
edge of the tower to the bottom of the piece of .060 styrene
and cut two pieces of 3/64” angle to this length. Glue them in
place as shown in the photo. Cut a piece of scale 2 x 6 to the
width between the two angles, glue it in place and paint the
angles and cross brace with the rust color used previously.
Now that this last piece of the roof bracing is in place, we can
measure the full length of the roof for the large conveyor.
37: The
and roof
STEP 11: Preparing the Assembly Base
Continued ...
Prior to applying the ground cover, I painted the area with
PollyScale Grimy Black. For the ground cover, I used Highball
Products N-Scale black ballast followed by coal dust and some
Highball Egg Coal (3”- 5”). I soaked the area with 70% isopro-
pyl alcohol and then applied a 2:1 mix of wet water (1 tea-
spoon of detergent to 16 ounces of water) and white glue.
Note in the photo here (36) that I kept the ground cover
away from the areas where the legs for the receiving bin will
be glued to the base. I also covered the work surface with a
piece of wax paper to protect it from the glue and water.
Once the ground cover is dry, glue the breaker in place on the
two pieces of .040 x .040 styrene.
Next, set the tower in place and carefully place the large con-
veyor between the tower and the breaker. Be sure to leave
36: Applying the ground cover.
Coal loader, p2 - 6
MRH-Jan 2013