32. Measuring styrene to use as back plate.
33. Using #30 wire to make a coiled phone cord.
Extended-vision caboose - 14
Now that the interior details were complete it was time to
paint the figures. If you’re not comfortable painting figures I
recommend watching some YouTube videos. There’s a lot of
talent out there. Since the figures were inside the caboose, this
helped me improve figure-painting skills. It built my confidence
for painting figures that will be out in the open.
I started out by scraping off flash from the molding process. I
noticed fine lines running down the arms and legs, so I used a
sanding stick to remove them [34] - [36]. I repeated the pro-
cess for the other figure, which will be the conductor. The con-
ductor figure’s arm was not high enough for the hand to clear
the conductor’s table. Using a small saw, I removed the arm
[37]. I test-fit the figure and arm height, then used CA to reat-
tach the arm. When dry, I put a little more medium-viscosity CA
around the arm to fill the gap [38-39].
34. Figure has molding flash to be removed
MRH-Nov 2014