58. MRH14-12-Dec2014-L - page 92

– RULE 40.3
When the foreman is in pos-
session of other protection
encompassing all routes
within the interlocking limits,
protection as per Rule 840.3
is not required. Track work
may be performed within
the limits of an automatic
interlocked railway crossing
at grade after protection has
been provided as follows:
(a) Permission must be obtained from the RTC of both railways
(where applicable).
(b) After permission has been obtained and before any track work
is started, the foreman must open the box marked “switches”, open
the knife switch and must wait five minutes or such greater time as
may be posted in the box. The switch must be left open until track
work is completed.
(c) In addition, a visible indicator marked “40.3 Protection” or spe-
cial lock must be secured to the box marked “switches” to indicate
that track work is ongoing.
(d) After track work is completed the RTC of both railways (where
applicable) must be notified.
(a) When protection is required, the request must be in writing and
on the prescribed form. When protection has been provided, the
track and time limits must be confirmed in writing prior to the fore-
man named in the GBO arranging for the display of the prescribed
flags as follows;
(i) place a red flag at each
location stated in the GBO to
the right of the track as seen
from an approaching move-
ment; and
(ii) place a yellow-over-red
flag at least two miles out-
side the track limits defined
by the red flags, to the right
of the track as seen from an
approaching movement.
(iii) Track work must not be
undertaken until the pre-
scribed signals are in place in
all directions.
(iv) Rule 842 flags must not
be in place more than 30 min-
utes prior to or after the times
stated in the GBO unless pro-
vided for in the GBO.
(v) Rule 842 limits must not
be overlapped.
(b) When a specific track is to be used, instructions from the fore-
man must specify the track upon which the instructions apply.
In CTC, when Rule 842 protection is in effect on more than one
track or when signalled turnouts are within the limits there must be
a clear understanding in writing between the foreman and the RTC
as to what route(s) movements are to use. The foreman’s instruc-
tions to the movement must be identical to the routing arrange-
ment with the RTC. Should the foreman require operation on a
specific track when the arrangement with the RTC was for more
Maintenance flags - 10
MRH-Dec 2014
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