Concluding remarks
Obviously the exercise of timetable construction I have de-
scribed is for a very specific railroad, place, and era. But the
methods of construction could be used for a wide variety of
other places and times.The components I chose from the pro-
totype timetable, and the method I used to assemble them, to
make up a layout schedule, along with the selection of Special
Instructions, train procedures, and town maps, are all options
to be chosen by the modeler, and can be varied quite consid-
erably according to needs and wants. I hope the ideas of how
to identify, extract and use the various elements which can go
into a model timetable might
be useful to others desiring
to do something along the
same lines.
23. A view of my completed timetable (the current ver-
sion, that is), open to the first two pages (see [15]),
illustrating the document in use on the layout at
Shumala. The left page is printed on manila cover stock.