I weathered it with some of the Vallejo and Secret Weapon
I tried some on a scrap piece of styrene, to get a feel for how
it applies. After painting the white styrene with some dark
grayish automotive primer, I used a small trowel and spread a
thin layer on the roof. It applies nicely- it can be worked easily
and spread as desired over the roof. It dries relatively quickly
to a very hard surface. I experimented with weathering the
roof with several different items/techniques. I settled on the
rust colored washes from Vallejo and the Concrete wash from
Secret Weapon. Final touches were added with some Bragdon
powders and a bit of AK Interactives Wet Effects Fluid. A dis-
carded ladder, a hose, some boards, and a piece of “junk” fin-
ished the roof details.
4. Slighty different angle of finished roof.
Vallejo Earth roofing - 3
.Vallejo makes several other Earth Textures that may also be
applicable – I have not tried others yet but suggest visiting the
Vallejo website for more information and ideas. The Textures
can be mixed with other Vallejo paints, washes, gels, etc. for a
nearly endless variety of colors, textures, and effects.
5. Top down look at finished roof.
MRH-Jun 2014