What’s neat column - 3
3: Sunrise. This is simply a good moment combining quality
engineering in the model with a little nature for a stunning photo.
track to match the photo, then tracing the mountains on
foam using the train’s roof as my height guide, worked out
really well.
By documenting the whole construction process, from foam
to wrapped black oak sides, to the built-in electronics and
blocks, I have what will eventually turn out to be a two-hour
video sharing the whole process of construction, photogra-
phy and operation with prototype photos and models from
). This month’s video
and stills are born from this four-week adventure into RGS
modeling. I put together about 20 runbys on six different
4: C-19 tight shot. This used the full power of Helicon Focus
software to provide the depth of field that makes this model
pop off the page. This C-19 is a smooth running model with
lots of detail.
running scenes to make a very entertaining video full of
smooth running action. So, check out this month’s video and
enjoy the still shots with captions.
Photos continued on next pages ...
MRH-Mar 2014