A kit for an exterior-
post boxcar with
Youngstown doors is
available decorated for
Montana Rail Link.
An HO scale kit is avail-
able for this Michigan
Central/New York
Central USRA 55-ton
twin-bay boxcar.
A twin-bay 50-ton
hopper car with offset
sides is available in kit
form decorated for
Baltimore & Ohio.
Accurail is selling a kit
for this HO scale Green
Bay & Western 40’
steel refrigerator car
with plug doors.
Completing Accurail’s
list of new releases is a
Chicago North Western
Pullman-Standard 4750
cu. ft. triple-bay cov-
ered hopper. Accurail
HO scale kits include Accumate couplers and appropriate trucks.
Pricing information is available at the above website.
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Albrae Models
plans to import brass
versions of Southern
Pacific maintenance-
of-way water cars.
The prototypes were
positioned in strate-
gic locations by SP as
standby water supplies for firefighting. The HO scale model will
be available with upgraded steel grate walkways, as well as the
original wood plank walkways used from the 1960s to the 1980s.
Features of the limited-edition models include code 88 tread
semi-finescale nickel silver wheelsets and Kadee® #158 Whisker©
couplers. Delivery is expected late this year. Visit the above web-
site for details, pricing, and reservation information.
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) is booking dealer reservations for sev-
eral HO scale models that are scheduled for release next August.
Visit the above website for full details including pricing. Here is
a brief look at models in the August release.
Heading the list are four Genesis EMD F-unit diesels that will
be available as A and matching A-B sets with all units powered.
Although not shown in the above illustration, locomotives
decorated for Sacramento Northern and Chicago, Burlington &
Quincy will come with full skirts.
Rob Sarberenyi photo