59. MRH15-01-Jan2015-L - page 131

Line scheme shown here, the ready-to-run O scale model will
be available for Lehigh Valley, Denver & Rio Grande Western,
Union Pacific, and U.S. Army. Both 2-rail and 3-rail versions
will be available. Visit the above website for additional details
including pricing, on all Atlas O models.
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Glacier Park Models,
a division of Hi-tech
pates delivery this
winter of a group
of 2-6-6-2T Baldwin
Mallet tank locomo-
tives. The O scale brass models are being handcrafted and
decorated by Boo Rim Precision of South Korea. Road names on
these exceptional models will be Clover Valley Lumber Co. #4,
Feather River Lumber Co. #4, Arcata & Mad River Railroad Co.
#12, and Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. #108, #110, and #111.
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Morgan Hill Models
is sell-
ing a kit for an O/On3 scale
stone water tank. The pump
house, which serves as a
base for the tank, is a one-
piece plaster casting which
eliminates the need to
match up the corners. Cast
details include a repaired
brick doorway carved into
 Copyright © 2014 Glacier Park Models
the stonework. The tank is composed of individual boards,
cedar shingle roof, and cast white metal details including tool
sets and a wheel-barrow. Assembly instructions include paint-
ing and weathering techniques. The O scale model is suitable
for standard or narrow gauge scenes. Visit the above website for
ordering information and pricing.
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Scratchbuilders and
kitbashers will be
happy to learn that
has added under-
frames and detail
parts for an HO scale
4750 cu. ft. covered
hopper car to its
assortment of sepa-
rate parts. Item #125
(above) has a list price
of $7.98.
Accurail has released
HO scale kits for two
Monon cars. They are a
41’ AAR steel gondola
and a 50’ steel boxcar
with exterior-posts
and plug-doors.
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