Questions, Answers & Tips -
1. Spline roadbed comes in many forms. These Masonite
strips are laminated with carpenters glue, and can be
built up as needed to locate switches. As long as atten-
tion is paid to maintaining a desired radius, splines can
be formed into flowing transitions.
to the bottom of the page. It’s sold separately or as part of a
set. Here’s the direct link to the DVD with spline construction:
Masonite, Homasote, expanded polystyrene foam, white pine
and other materials can be used. Some people have had luck
alternating splines and spacer blocks. If you are handlaying track,
consider Homasote spline in 2” tall strips. Use drywall screws to
laminate three or four splines together, enough to make a road-
bed a little wider than your track. Fast, easy, and you can spike
directly into the Homasote. Some people like to cut the edges at
an angle to create the proper ballast slope.
MRH-Jul 2014