feeders to the terminal strip. If I accidentally connect a feeder to
the wrong terminal strip, it’s easy to fix with only a screwdriver,
he said. “I don’t know how many times I’ve had a mystery short,
and the ability to get out the screwdriver and disconnect some
feeders has made solving the problem quite easy. Once I have
located the problem, a few minutes with the screwdriver and it’s
all put back – no soldering iron or rewiring needed.”
Questions, Answers & Tips -
Canned stand-ins
I ran across a paper that I made [2] with a list of HO
measurements using common canned goods.
Many people like to make mock-ups of buildings for their layout.
Sometimes they will spend a lot of time doing this, while I have
found an easier way. Use canned goods and other items that you
have in your pantry. It is easy.
– Joseph Oates
MRH-Jul 2014