53. MRH14-07-Jul2014-P - page 25

Best online reading experience on an iPad
Unfortunately, in iOS7, the Safari and Chrome browsers on
an iPad have a browser navigation bar taking up space, which
makes reading the online version of MRH less satisfying than
it used to be under iOS6.
Fortunately, there’s an answer: the Savy Soda full-screen
The Savvy Soda browser allows you to go full
screen and enjoy the online edition as it was
meant to be experienced. Just go to the Apple
App Store and search for “Savvy Soda”. There’s
a free version of the broswer available, and it
works just fine for displaying the online edition of
MRH, either in the landscape or portrait format.
Once you navigate to the online edition of MRH you want
to view, just do a quick flick of the top nav bar to make it
disappear. Whenever you want the browser nav bar back,
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