53. MRH14-07-Jul2014-P - page 44

or a bit over 10 years I’ve been working on my HO scale
Bear Creek & South Jackson layout (see the 10th anniver-
sary story in the April 2014 MRH). It’s come a long way
in that time but only recently has it taken on the look and feel I
planned back in 2003.
The peninsula backdrop
Even though it’s still incomplete, the new backdrop down the
center of the peninsula has made an enormous difference in the
character of the BC&SJ. About 24’ (out of about 70’) of backdrop
was in place for the May 2014 op session, and the crew liked it. In
particular they noted how the aisles felt longer, they felt more iso-
lated from each other, and howmuch quieter it seemed.
Since then I’ve added another 24’ and the layout’s character is
definitely changing.
Up the Creek Column - 2
2. Simplified BC&SJ track plan (2’ grid) - the penin-
sula backdrop is in blue.
MRH-Jul 2014
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