of layout in his 10x12 space, yet he’s not made the layout look
crammed full of track. We think you’ll find John’s freelanced lay-
out to illustrate what’s possible in space that’s on the smaller
end of the scale.
Then we have Dave Bodnar continuing to show us what’s pos-
sible in the world of layout animation remote control using the
simple PICAXE kits he introduced us to last month.
And finally, Lance Mindheim went to a model railroading event
in New Zealand, so he gives us a quick report on modeling down
This leaves our regular columns in this issue. Charlie
Comstock is back with an update on installing the backdrop
on his peninsula. Bruce Petrarca has returned from vacation
with still more insights on how to get some awesome DCC sound
out of your locos.
Ken Patterson, of all things, shows how he built a cool static
grass applicator from a electric flyswatter that cost less than
$2. That’s got to be the least expensive static grass applica-
tor we’ve ever seen, Ken!
Finally, Publisher Joe Fugate points out how effective adding
some lighting to your layout can be at bringing it to life and
making it feel populated even if you don’t have a lot of figures
visible. Joe also brings up the rear with a Reverse Running com-
mentary about updating our DCC technology.
Enjoy the July MRH. Those of you going to Cleveland, make
sure and say hi either in the convention halls or at the train
MRH staff notes - 7
MRH-Jul 2014