53. MRH14-07-Jul2014-P - page 28

MRH staff notes - 6
We’ll also be doing a clinic called “Model Railroad Hobbyist mag-
azine, the next 5 years.” We’ll reflect a bit on the first 4 years of
MRH, then we’ll talk about where we’d like to go in the next 5
years as to MRH and the model railroading hobby developments.
This issue
Bill Geiger shows us how he’s using computer terrain software and
actual map geo information to generate a realistic backdrop for his
layout fromwhatever vantage point he chooses. It’s a pretty clever
technique, and it gives you a lot of freedom for getting just the
backdrop you need as long as your scene doesn’t have structures
in it. Make sure and watch the video, it does a great job of outlin-
ing the process.
Brian Messenger takes a well known Fine Scale Miniatures kit of
a two stall enginehouse and shows how he modified it for his lay-
out. You will find a number of Brian’s techniques can be used for
other structure projects you may undertake.
Who hasn’t ever had problems with dirty track? Brent Ciccone
shows us several track cleaning / conduction improvement meth-
ods he’s been experimenting with and how they have turned out
for him. Brent’s experiments should give you a leg up on your own
track cleaning challenges and give you some things you can do to
keep your layout in tip-top performance.
Bob Rivard is back with another rolling stock build article, in this
case, he’s correcting a mistaken purchase, turning something he
didn’t think he could use into a very nice box car model. Make
sure and check out Bob’s techniques. We find there’s always
something we can use for our own rolling stock projects.
We’ve postponed the second place winner of our $500 Layout
Design Contest to the August issue, to make room for John
Diamond’s Tupper Lake & South Junction layout. John’s got a lot
MRH-Jul 2014
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