Just pick up a few copies of the N scale and Z scale magazines to see
what we mean. Shades of the glory publishing days in the hobby
two or three decades ago – there’s that difficult-to-define spark of
passion and cleverness in what these guys are doing.
One of our missions with MRH is to wake the HO guys up to
what they’ve been missing (and yes we’re preaching to ourselves
as well). Many of the techniques the N and Z guys are doing can
be used also in HO – and if they can’t be used, the sheer cre-
ativity of these techniques are sure to trigger some HO inspired
adaptations of their ideas.
We want MRH to push the envelope, but we need your help.
Modelers, especially those not in HO, are you listening? We need
more N scale and Z scale articles. Keep in mind that if you publish
with us, your ideas will be getting exposed to over 7 times as many
modelers as compared to the scale-specific magazines.
In any event, we hope each and every issue of MRH gives you
fresh ideas for how to get the most from your model railroad-
ing efforts!
Exciting things coming to TrainMasters TV
Several exciting new things are coming to TrainMasters TV.
Coming to TMTV: eBooks ...
First, we’re expanding the scope of what TMTV members will be
getting as part of their membership to include eBooks. Yes, that’s
right, about 6 months after we release select eBook titles, they
will become available to TMTV members for free online viewing.
TMTV members will already be getting streaming HD versions of
the DVD titles we release about 6 months after release, so here’s
one more great benefit of being a TMTV member!
MRH staff notes - 3
MRH-Jul 2014