49. MRH14-03-Mar2014 - page 207

originally on heavy-duty dimmers). Now 6000 watts of incan-
descent bulbs generates a fair bit of heat. The basement height
(nine feet to the bottom of the floor joists) helped to give the
heat a place to go, but with the lights on during a four-hour
operating session (and 12 or so operators in the room), it did
tend to get uncomfortably warm.
A few years ago I changed from the 60-watt incandescent bulbs
to 9-watt compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). These are mar-
keted as replacements for 45-watt incandescent bulbs. I tested
and found that 13 watt CFLs (60-watt replacements) were too
bright compared to the old “fan bulbs.” Operating sessions are
much more pleasant with the new lights.
14: The B6sb yard switcher is on A/D 2 and is in the process
of pulling five cars off the head end of train EC-11.
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