STEP 13: Apply Corrugated Siding
Continued ...
The corrugated siding pieces for the sides of the receiving bin
are constructed in the same manner as the end piece with
one exception.
The 2 x 4 braces are cut several scale feet shorter than the
width of the side. This allows the very end of the side next to
the end piece to bent slightly inward to cover the edge of the
2 x4’s on the end piece of siding. Also, I measured each side
and cut out a piece of paper to use as a template.
Begin by cutting a strip of corrugated siding to a height of 7
1/2’. Next, cut four 8’ pieces from the strip and glue them to
the pieces of 2 x 4. Make sure that the 2 x 4’s are space in the
same manner as the previous step. Cut 4 more pieces of cor-
rugated siding and glue these to first row. Overlap the top of
the first approximately 1 scale foot.
Take your template, place it on the siding and then using a
straight edge, cut the roof angle on the siding piece. Photo 41
shows the inside of the completed siding piece. Repeat these
steps for the opposite side. Take your template, place it on
41: The
sides of the
Coal loader, p2 - 9
MRH-Jan 2013