“A train or engine finding a yellow-red reflectorized sign dis-
played to the right of the track as viewed from an approach-
ing train, must proceed prepared to stop for a red flag or a red
light two miles beyond the yellow-red signal.
“In the absence of a red signal at that location, train or engine
may proceed but move prepared to stop short of men or
machines on or foul of track without flag protection until pro-
ceed signal given with yellow flag or yellow light is received or
proper verbal information is received from employe in charge,
or rear of train has passed a green flag or green reflectorized
sign displayed to the right of the track.” (2)
Printing new windows
I purchased a used building with windows that were supplied
by the manufacturer, but the fellow who put the kit together
did not pay attention to alignment. As a result, the windows
looked really bad. I was not able to order a replacement glazing
sheet so I went to my free Open Office software and used the
“Calc” program to create windows.
The “Outline” function allows you to create a border around a
cell or multiple cells on a spreadsheet. I then adjusted the size
MRH-Jan 2013