35. MRH13-01-Jan2013-L - page 9

Depending on what device (and orientation) you’re using to
read the new Gen2 format, we have some recommendations
for the best reading experience.
On iPads and iPhones
For iPads and iPhones, we recommend the GoodReader app
($5). For iPads in landscape orientation, we find facing pages
to give the best reading experience. Use the Pages Layout set-
ting Double Pages with Front Cover (2). For iPhones, using
2: For GoodReader on
an iPad in landscape ori-
entation, set the
Double Pages
with Front Cover
get a screen-filling facing
pages view similar to Gen1.
MRH staff notes - 2
Along with the Gen2 page formatting changes, we’ve also
altered how ads work by adjusting them to fit our new portrait
page orientation. In addition, on our sponsoring advertiser ads,
we now include an email and phone button to make it one-
click easy (or should we say
one-tap easy
) for you to directly
contact an advertiser (1).
Advertisers often keep spending ad dollars based on clues from
readers that their ads are getting noticed. If we make it one-
click easy for you to send a quick email off to an advertiser or
to call them with a question - or better yet to place an order -
then they will immediately see the benefit of advertising with
MRH over the paper magazines.
And on a smartphone, you can literally tap the phone button
on the ad and immediately be ringing the advertiser! How
cool is that?
But it all depends on you actually clicking or tapping on those
buttons to let them know you’re seeing their ads!
1: Our sponsoring advertiser ads now include buttons
for directly emailing or phoning the advertiser. We hope
more than a few of you will at least try this new feature by
emailing your favorite advertisers and thanking them for
being an MRH sponsor!
MRH-Jan 2013
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