A kit for an exterior-
post boxcar with
Youngstown doors is
available decorated for
Montana Rail Link.
An HO scale kit is avail-
able for this Michigan
Central/New York
Central USRA 55-ton
twin-bay boxcar.
A twin-bay 50-ton
hopper car with offset
sides is available in kit
form decorated for
Baltimore & Ohio.
Accurail is selling a kit
for this HO scale Green
Bay & Western 40’
steel refrigerator car
with plug doors.
Completing Accurail’s
list of new releases is a
Chicago North Western
Pullman-Standard 4750
cu. ft. triple-bay cov-
ered hopper. Accurail
HO scale kits include Accumate couplers and appropriate trucks.
Pricing information is available at the above website.
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