the Newport Steel/L&N staging yard complexes are attached to
the outer walls of the basement.
The backdrops are sections of 1/8” Masonite that extend four
feet above track level. This height allows for air circulation in
the room while providing adequate view blocks from other
areas of the layout. Most of the backdrop scenes were painted
by John Listermann, a very talented artist who has painted the
backdrops of a number of layouts in the area.
The sub-roadbed is 3/4” plywood and the roadbed is 3/16” Upson
16. A Conrail transfer run with Penn Central locomotives has just
left Red Bank Yard en route to Undercliff Yard. Conrail is only a few
months old, so units in PC lettering are plentiful. However, Con-
rail has begun a massive repainting project, so grab your PC shots
while you can! The K&LE main is in the center of the photo and the
East Undercliff yard lead is to the right.