54. MRH14-08-Aug2014-L - page 83

13. The rust damage and corrosion is complete
and ready for another Dullcote application. Another
application is added before the next step.
Rustbucket weathering - 8
When all of the replicated damage meets my expecta-
tions, I mist the work again with another shot of Dull-
cote. Now that the model has its telltale rust pits and
other damage, I can move to step 5.
STEP 4: Adding corrosion and damage
Continued ...
14. Dry-brushing the Orange Oxide oil paint in a
halo effect around the sealed rust pits and scrapes.
Many model weathering artists refer to this next step as
“haloing.” What is haloing? It is the overlapping applica-
tion of light dry-brushing of oil paint directly over exist-
ing painted work. In the case of this model, I dry-brushed
Orange Oxide in multiple layers around EVERY scratch
and rust pit! That's right – around every single rust pit,
scratch and other simulated damage. The intense work
that goes into haloing each scratch individually provides
the most realistic weathering results, in my opinion. In
[14] we see the advancement from left to right of the
“haloing” effect on each scratch and pit. When the entire
side of the car has been haloed, I mist it again with Dull-
cote and prep myself for step 6.
STEP 5: Haloing
MRH-Aug 2014
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