Rustbucket weathering - 4
inexpensive soft pastel sticks manufactured by Alpha Colors.
The pastel sticks in this Earth Colors set can be purchased at
any art supply outlet, and are invaluable when used as a pow-
der. The way I use them is to scrape the sticks lengthwise with
a utility razor blade to create small piles of fine powders.
Now that I have covered the essential artists media to be used,
it’s time to get started on the weathering the model.
5. The model receives a primary misting of Dullcote.
STEP 1: Beginning with Dullcote
The model will receive a generous misting with a matte
finish of Testors Dullcote. The Dullcote finish serves not
only as a sealant, but it also provides “tooth” to the
surface so that paints and other media adhere to the
otherwise smooth and somewhat oily plastic. I usually
speed the drying time of this first layer of Dullcote and
all of the other wet finishes with a space heater. This
type of rapid-drying system can prove disastrous if the
model is held too close to the heater. As a rule, I hold
the model about eight inches away with the fans turned
on high. This provides very rapid drying, and allows me
to move onto the next sequence of steps quickly.
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MRH-Aug 2014