When joined, they are 5’ deep and form a 2’ square opening.
This bin had reinforcements welded to the sides, parallel with
the bottom and this is simulated by gluing scale 2” x 8” sty-
rene strips to it. Install the bin into the main tipple, letting the
tapered section extend below the floor line.
Facing the track side of the building, attach .060” styrene chan-
nel to the bottom of the bin. Slide a piece of .020” styrene 2’ x
3’ into the channels as a hatch. Glue a piece of 4” x 6” styrene
to one end of the hatch top, and add a Ragg’s… to Riches rack
(DP0008) on the opposite end. This is the operating rod that
opens and closes the hatch.
Add 1” x 3” styrene strips to the channels to support the rod.
Add the pillow blocks from the same set to the rear of the chan-
nels. Make a long shaft that will reach the inside wall, then drill
a hole, and slide the pinion gear onto it. Attach a Grandt Line
#5122 43” cable sheave to the end of the shaft.
A spreader bar is located immediately below the sheave. I made
this from Evergreen styrene angle, with holes drilled 43” apart
to guide the cable. Build a pulley bracket, using channel for the
base and adding sides, then drill a #78 hole and insert an SS Ltd
12” pulley.
Once the bin was completed I sprayed the entire assembly
black. On this part of the tipple, the pulley is at ground level
and attached to the small concrete foundation. Thread the
sheave and pulley to finish the installation. Remember this pro-
cedure, as we are going to repeat it later.
With the main part of the tipple glued in place, install the lean-
to that covers the pit. These are simple triangular sides with a
covering of corrugated metal for the roof.
Lite and Narrow Column - 5
The shaker house and storage bins were adjacent and attached
to the main tipple. Because the coal that was shipped by truck
would not go through the coal washer at Mt. Union, but it also
needed to be graded, it was sent through a cleaner and a series
of shakers (sizing screens). The graded coal was then distributed
into storage bins for loading either into hoppers or trucks.
Begin construction of the storage bin structure by building two
bins similar to the one already installed in the main tipple. Cut
eight pieces of .040” styrene, 12’ X 5’. Remove .040” or the
thickness of the styrene, from each end of four of the pieces
and glue them together making sure they are square.
Unlike the bin inside the main tipple, these have detail that is
visible and must be added. To simulate the joining of plates to
make the bins, divide the sides into five segments and draw
lines from top to bottom.
You can either glue angle or individual pieces at the corners of
each bin. On each of the lines, glue .020” x .060” styrene strips
narrow side down. You need to do this for three of the sides
for one bin and two of the sides for the second bin. Glue .020”
x .060” strips to the bottom of the vertical strips as a flange.
“Because the coal that was shipped by
truck would not go through the coal
washer at Mt. Union ... it was sent
through a cleaner and graded ... then
distributed into storage bins for loading
either into hoppers or trucks.”
MRH-Aug 2014