John Golden began modeling in
1970 on his 7th birthday and has
been a modeler and railfan ever
since. He’s a “freight car guy”, and
is a well-known Seaboard Air Line
historian and modeler. John has writ-
ten 35 articles for a variety of model
and railfan magazines. He’s created
The Seaboard-Coast Line Modeler
online magazine and served as the
magazine’s first editor from 2007-2010.
John is currently building a prototype layout depicting
the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad in Ackley, Iowa circa
1950. John is also the longtime host of the annual St. Louis
Railroad Prototype Modelers (RPM) Meet.
John is a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel and still
works at Air Mobility Command Headquarters at Scott
AFB, Illinois as an Air Force civilian employee. He and his
wife Kristina have three children, Jacob (12), Kay (10) and
Kirsten (8).
Writing articles is not a one-man job. I sincerely thank my
friends and fellow historians Bob Liljestrand, Warren Calloway,
Larry Goolsby, Ed Hawkins, Paul Faulk and Jan Kohl for providing
prototype photos and reference material.
MRH-Jun 2014