Weathering freight cars - 1
A shor t introduction to
– By Charlie Duckworth
Photos by the author
1. A string of weathered
freight cars rolls past
a stock yard. Charlie
Duckworth describes
the techniques he used
to weather them in this
Easy weathering
techniques that
make you look like
a pro ...
Weathering steam-era
freight cars
ne of my favorite aspects of the model railroad hobby
is weathering rolling stock, locomotives, and buildings.
Whether it’s a plastic model in the out-of-the-box fac-
tory paint, or a resin model I’ve just painted and decaled, it just
doesn’t look right until I’ve taken a few steps to make it look
like it’s been in service. Here’s how I weather my freight cars.
I always work from a photograph of a car to help me stay
within a weathering boundary. It’s easy to get carried away and
MRH-Jun 2014