minimumofmodificationneeded. Themodels operate very
well, thanks to the great trucks and theproperweights that
are included. These stock cars ranwell from the get-go, and I
didn’t have to spend anytime tweaking them.
A littleweathering:
Tobe clear: Youdon’t have todo this. If youhavealready
weathered the trucks andunderbody, the cars can lookpretty
goodalready, and couldbe leftas-is.Of course,manyof us like
toweather everything.
I haveusedmany techniques toweather carsover theyears. I
choseweatheringpowders (chalks) for these stock cars. I think
the “dusty look” that powderweathering createsfits these cars
perfectly. Asweathering tech-
niques go, I find thepowders to
38: The runningboardsdidnotwant to lieflat ona
coupleof the roofs, soclampswerenecessary.
Batch-building freight cars - 7