45: The50-foot express reefer on the left is coupled to
theMDCmilk reefer awaitinga return trip toWilloughby
atHetch-Hetchy junction. These “shake-the-box” kits
were improvedwithA-line ladders, grabirons and stirrup
steps. I havealways liked thegraphicson thesecars, so
I decided toupgrade themabit.
Grabirons, stirrups, and ladders –
detailing and repair of rolling stock
Over theyears, I haveundertaken several projects tomake
someofmy carsmore realistic.Most of thetime, theseare
funprojectson cars that are favorites for some reason. The
upgradeprocedureusually includes shavingoff themolded-
ongrabirons/ladders and replacing themwithwiregrabs and/
or scale ladders.Oversizedplastic stirrup stepsusuallyare
replacedaswell. Areasunder thegrabs and ladders get some
touchuppaint and someweathering (39).