29: Cutting the fragile brake lines took extra care.
Also shown are theKadee 58 couplers (not supplied
in the kit).
Phase two assembly – car body
Parts in this subassembly included the car body, brakewheel
andplatform, thedoors, andgrabirons.
Assembling the car bodies took themost timeby far. These
stock carshave32grabironsper car thatmust be cut out and
individuallygluedonto the car bodies. They lookgreat, but
takequiteawhile. I didhave todrill out a fewholes for some
of thegrabs, but overall notmuchdrillingtimewas spent dur-
ingassembly. As cuttingout plastic grabirons tookquite some
time (1hour, 30minutes), analternativewouldbe to substitute
metal grabs fromA-lineor another brand. Themetal ones also
aren’t prone tobreakage. Gluingon thegrabirons tookanother
twoandahalf hours (that’s 126grabirons!!).
The trickiest part on the car bodywas getting thebrakeplat-
forms tofit correctly. It took lotsof fiddling toget thefit right.
The car body construction took sixhours and19minutes