How to safely connect
multiple speakers
More speakers = more sound
he acoustic design of sound DCC decoder installa-
tions is frequently challenging. Getting the right baf-
fling or enclosure is important. See my August 2012
column, How Do I Get The Sound Out
, for some of the basics. What I’m offering in this
column is another tool in the toolbox, multiple speakers.
There are several reasons for wanting more than one speaker
in an installation:
Better bass reproduction – doubling the number of speak-
ers can add an octave of bass. One speaker upgraded to two
is frequently good; two to four can help; more than four is
usually a lost cause.
Adapting to the available space is sometimes easier with
two (or more) speakers - two rectangular speakers in the
hood of a road switcher diesel or a small car (1) are fre-
quently possible and usually sound good.
Distributing the sound over several units, such as:
DCC Impulses column
by Bruce Petrarca
Getting more sound out of your DCC locos
DCC Impulses Column - 1
MRH-Jan 2014