45. MRH13-11-Nov2013-L - page 103

Build a laser kit part 3 - 4
STEP 8: Exterior details
Continued ...
55: From the rear you cans see the sway bracing
behind the roof sign. Additional details might
include drawing board lines on the wood. The laser-
cut part makes this odd shape a snap.
56: A hole is drilled
into the kitchen wall
and a stovepipe is
inserted through.
A paper-punch ring
simulates the metal
stovepipe collar.
STEP 9: Building the diorama
57: Dental pick
scribing tools used
for the road and
sidewalk. Ask your
dentist for used
dental picks. They are
quite sharp enough
for model work after
becoming too dull for
dental work.
58: I made
a simple
diorama base
to display
the structure
and take
Using 3/16”
the base is
quite strong
and rigid without any additional bracing. After a
primer coat of latex paint, the structure was glued
in place. Concrete road lines and cracks were
scribed using the dental picks. Gesso is gingerly
applied with a stiff brush to texture the concrete.
The asphalt road at right was painted more carefully
with gesso. In both cases a stippled (jabbed) brush
stroke is used. A little fine sand is sprinkled on top
of the wet asphalt gesso, giving a different texture.
MRH-Nov 2013
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