Tell us a bit about SurroundTraxx, now that it has been
out for a while.
SurroundTraxx is a unique digital sound system designed
for the layout, not the individual model. Working with
today’s DCC technology, SurroundTraxx gives the modeler
the realism of high-fidelity sound moving with your train as it
travels about the layout without installing speakers onboard
the engine. It uses the latest Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
technology and advanced block detection techniques to
reproduce the sounds made by each train on the layout
to direct the sound to the speaker closest to the trains’
location. We believe it is the perfect solution for small scales
such as N-Scale, where you are at the mercy of too-tiny
onboard speakers.
DCC Impulses Column - 5
5: SoundTraxx’ sound editing room – this specially built
room has no parallel walls to reduce reflections
Unfortunately, none of our customers have sent us photos of
their final installations, so the only photo I have to share with
you and your readers (8) is one from a demonstration in the
factory for our August 2013 Dealer Training Seminar.
Are the sound files in SurroundTraxx the same as what
are in the Tsunami decoders?
The manner in which the sound files are structured is
different, but they start with the same raw recordings. The
editing is different because of the different usages. So, the
SurroundTraxx files are unique.
asked you for a motor and light decoder to simplify
speed matching with your Tsunamis. I've been very happy with
6: One of SoundTraxx’ two pick-and-place SMT
assembly machines – keeping the jobs and technology
in the U.S.A.
MRH-Oct 2013