South Jackson Gazette
The universe to expand again!
Leading scientists in the South
Jackson area are predicting
that the universe will expand
soon. Dr. Thorty explained
further over a beer or two in
the South Jackson Tavern.
"For a number of years now
the universe has been, so to
speak, stuck in a rut size-wise.
But that will be changing soon
and it will be gaining signifi-
cant newmass."
When pressed for details,
the math used by Dr. Thorty
quickly put everyone within
earshot to sleep.
Horace Fithers had a better
explanation. "Well, ya know,
A clipping from the
the moon and the sun look
to be lining up with all them
otherplanetsover thenext few
months. So it jest kinda stands
to reason that the enhanced
gravitational alignmentalism
is gonna stretch things a bit!"
When reached at his office
BC&SJ president Charlie
Comstock said, "It's about
time we had somewhere else
to lay some new track!"
This reporter isn't sure what
to believe, but more track
sounds like a good thing.
Enjoy the Gazette?
unexpected dividends by showing me places – before I had laid
any track – where I just plain had screwed up the layout design
(always a good thing). Now it's time to get back to getting more
of the layout available for op sessions.
Reconstruction of the B-side staging throat has commenced.
As I write this new roadbed is in place (13) and six of the nine
turnouts needed have been built and are awaiting installation.