It should be as inexpensive as possible.
It should permit smooth curves.
It should be easy to install and easy to paint.
I'm hoping to laminate two pieces of 3/16" Masonite back-to-
back with yellow glue to create a sort of 2-ply spline backdrop.
Masonite is relatively inexpensive (compared with plywood),
curves nicely, and takes paint well. Experience with the fascias
on the second BC&SJ layout, which were two 1/8" Masonite
layers laminated together, show that once the glue sets, it
should hold its shape.
7: A cross section of the proposed BC&SJ laminated
Masonite backdrop between Bear Creek yard and
Junction City.
Two layers of
3/16" Masonite
laminated with
yellow glue.
3/4" plywood
Up the Creek Column - 5
MRH-Jul 2013