Yes, it’s a model - 3
5: CN 3023 is idling away waiting for its next assignment.
The Overland brass model RS-3 phase II is a factory painted
Overland brass model in the Canadian National's 1954 paint
scheme. Peter Soulikias weathered the model with chalks and then
sealed with Floquil Dullcote.
6: Going back in time to a less hectic pace: It’s a beautiful
summer day in 1950 as CN 4-6-0 1532 heads a mixed train
through Lynn Valley on its way to Port Rowan.
Trevor Marshall models a Canadian National branch-line in S Scale
and built this beautiful scene.
The CN 4-6-0 is a kit produced by Simon Parent and Scale Loco and
Supply. Simon built and finished the model. Trevor says that the
locomotive is one of the nicest running steam engines he has ever
owned. To learn more about Trevor's S Scale layout visit his blog at
MRH-Jun 2013