8: Here is the kit of parts I create. The bottom skirts
will also be removed. I cut the body sides apart using
an X-Acto knife, using the measurements stated in the
chart. Now I will cut the skirts off the main body and
fill in the windows with putty. The smaller body panels
are not needed.
The main body panel has a shorter open space at the
top than the bottom. Be sure and keep the taller space
at the bottom as this is where the decals will go. Wait
overnight for the putty to cure.
"Shorty" Caboose - 4
9: The panels are ready for putty to close the window
openings. Attach masking tape to the outside of the
panels, so the putty surface will remain flat.
10: All puttied up and ready to cure!
MRH-Jun 2013