I ordered a 4x8 sheet’s worth of 1-3/4” tall 3/16” Masonite splines
from a local cabinet shop that used a panel saw to cut themmore
accurately than I could. A few days later a serpent of Masonite
appeared on top of the roadbed. Good train buddy and construc-
tion super-hero Paul helped me cut the serpent to length and
screw it to the ceiling – definitely a two-man job.
5: Laminated backdrop cross section diagram. Two
layers of 5 mm plywood are laminated and attached
to a Masonite spline cleat on the ceiling and the
height difference between the two sides of the penin-
sula’s benchwork surface.
2 x 4 screw
roadbed on
upper side
Masonite spline
ceiling cleat
5mm plywood back-
drop layer 2
5mm plywood
backdrop layer 1