53. MRH14-07-Jul2014-P - page 57

13. When joining Masonite spline to 2x2 fir cleats, the
2x2 needs to be the same thickness as the splines.
It turned out the joist in the ceiling was in the wrong
position for mounting this part of the spline. I solved
the problem by screwing a piece of plywood to the
ceiling and the 2x2 cleat to the plywood. Note also the
splice plate in the background. We cut the spline in
into two pieces, making it lighter (and easier to handle)
and rejoined the pieces with a splice plate yellow-
glued in place.
leftover 1/8” Masonite required serious shoving to force it into the
24” radius curve. A 48” tall piece would require twice as much effort
and the 3/16” would be even stiffer. Not recommended.
Patriot Lumber RevolutionPly
I was looking dolefully at the Masonite pile in Lowes, beginning
to doubt I could build a laminated, ultra-skinny, monocoque
Splice plates
Splines and 2 x
2 must be same
This plate was needed be-
cause the joist was in ex-
actly the wrong place
Screw into joist
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