53. MRH14-07-Jul2014-L - page 36

Up the Creek Column - 15
26. A close-up view of the PVC conduit in the corner.
This will be hidden behind coving and allows me to run
future low voltage wiring from below the benchwork to
the ceiling. The existing wiring is for the 4x fast clock.
Jim and I put up two more first layer sheets and then glued
another second layer sheet in place. Putting up the second layer
sheets is tricky – you need to finish before the glue starts to set.
When working with a sheet that has to fit around obstacles and
bend into corners, it’s a race. So far I haven’t lost the race – good
news because it would be nearly impossible to remove a partially
glued second layer and try it again.
Filling the holes in the backdrop
The next day I removed the temporary screws holding the layers
together. It was solid! Yay!
I made another trip to Lowes, to pick up a lot more glue and a
gallon bucket of lightweight spackle. I used a sanding block to
smooth the holes in the backdrop and anywhere else that needed
filling, then worked the spackle into the holes and gaps with a 3”
putty knife.
As I’m writing this column, the first layer of backdrop extends
to the end of the Bear Creek yard sub-roadbed with the second
layer hot on its heels. That’s as far as the backdrop will go for
now. Sanding, spackling, and a couple of coats of sky blue paint
(if I was modeling LA perhaps I could keep the brown color to
represent smog) are next.
I’ve been waiting until after the backdrop went in before install-
ing the benchwork and track at Browning, the Toledo branch, and
Junction City. It was hard enough doing the backdrop without hav-
ing to reach across 24” to 30” of benchwork! With the backdrop
done, I’ll be able to start work on those areas in pursuit of the
completed mainline.
I’m hoping for a main-
line gold spike cer-
emony in September.
After that, I’ll be able to
27. They aren’t kid-
ding when the say
this stuff is light
weight! The gallon
jug feels like it might
be empty. So far the
claimed non-shrink-
ing property has
proved true.
MRH-Jul 2014
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