52. MRH14-06-Jun2014 - page 80

Fast and easy trees - 1
– By Randy McKenzie
 Photos by the author
Making lots of trees
the easy way ...
Fast and Easy
overing a layout with
thousands of trees
normally comes down
to very few choices: Puff
balls, kits, or Super Trees. I
needed a better option for
my HO triple-deck Virginia
Southern. My solution is easy,
fast, and cheap. I call them
“Secondary trees,” meaning
they are not as detailed as
Super Trees, but give a transi-
tion between front-row trees
and puff balls in the distance.
Let’s get started:
1. Virginia Southern
caboose VS 50 tags along
at the end of an empty coal
train as it heads through
the lush green forests of
MRH-Jun 2014
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