MRH staff notes - 6
Submitting an article? Remember the bio!
We get a lot of article submissions that fail to include an
author bio, so we’re reminding you budding authors here to
remember to tell us about yourself!
We like to get a “mug shot” of you, ideally in a model railroad
setting, but even standing in front of a blank white wall will do.
Also give us a few paragraphs about yourself: first, tell us how you
got into the hobby, then tell us about your current hobby pursuits
and passion. Finish up with a little about your family, what you do
for a living, and what other interests you may also have.
We cover all this in our author submission guidelines
Please read and follow these guidelines – it makes your sub-
mission feel a lot more professional, and by following these
guidelines, you make our job of converting your article into
its final published form a lot easier.
Ops Live 5 & 6 videos coming this summer
This summer, we’re coming out with Ops Live volumes 5 and
6, this time on Mike Confalone’s Allagash. We’ve completed
the 4-volume eBooks series on Mike’s layout, and now we’re
completing our 2014 “Allagash Bash” by coming out with
two Ops Live videos on Mike’s railroad. Volume 5 covers
general operations on the Allagash, and volume 6 focuses
on operations in New Sharon yard. You don’t want to miss
these new additions to the Ops Live series!
This issue
John Golden has done a fabulous job in this issue’s cover story
describing how to build some nice models of the Seaboard B-8
and B-9 boxcars. Even if you aren’t building these specific models,
MRH-Jun 2014