If you look at which of the
major model railroading pub-
lishers have an official web
video channel, only MRH
(TrainMasters TV) and MR
(MR Video Plus) have such
channels. RMC has none.
By every measure listed here,
MRH has passed up RMC and
is clearly now the number two
general model railroading pub-
lication in the hobby.
Reading MRH on a
$139 tablet
One of the least expensive
tablets you can buy is the 7”
$139. The display on this little
guy is 215 dpi, and the size is
We wanted to see how well
this inexpensive Kindle would
work for reading MRH, so we
got one and put it through its
paces. The conclusion? This is
one sweet way to read MRH.
Just think, with this guy you
can read MRH in your easy
chair, read it in bed, read it in
the “throne room,” take it
into the layout room or take
it to your workbench, and
you can also bring MRH with
you on the go.
The $139 version has 8 GB of
memory and includes wi-fi,
so if you are near a wi-fi
hotspot, you can click the
comment or ad links on an
issue and go to the page on
the web. That 8 GB will hold
over 100 issues of the MRH
Standard Edition, so you can
take your entire MRH collec-
tion with you!
We’ve found the best app
to use for reading MRH
on an Android tablet like the Kindle Fire is
ezPDF Reader PRO (see the icon at the right).
This app costs $4 to download, and it does
a very nice job displaying the MRH Standard
Edition PDF. All the links are clickable, and the
Portrait format of MRH is very readable.
You can pinch-zoom on the images and you can watch the
linked videos and click-n-spins on the Kindle Fire HD tablet.
We find downloading the Portrait version to be as easy as
opening up a browser session on the MRH website, clicking
the green
Other copy options
button for the portrait version,
and clicking the link for the Standard Edition. It will tell you it’s
MRH staff notes - 4
MRH on Amazon’s new 7”
Kindle Fire HD, price: $139.