52. MRH14-06-Jun2014 - page 8

and the GP40R - TEBU’s (tractive effort booster units - slugs
with GP40R mothers, in other words) began running on the
coast branch.
By 1986, the first yellow, red, and black Kodachrome SPSF units
began to appear in fresh paint, and by 1988, black and orange
DRGW units began running across the entire SP system. Also in
the late 1980s, some BN pool power started showing up on the
SP in Oregon.
As the decade wears on, I can phase out and phase in the dif-
ferent mix of units according to the approximate date. This
allows me to remain purist in approach, and still enjoy the vari-
ety of the entire decade of the 1980s.
On my layout, I suggest certain dates by using other little
details. For example, I have a couple billboards circa 1984 for
the 1984 presidential election. I have some 1984 and 1988/89
automobiles, so I can put them on the layout when the proper
time arrives.
At the front of the decade of the 1980s, we might get a very
dirty Bicentennial caboose or loco on the layout, leftover
from 1976. Circa 1984, maybe a caboose celebrating the 1984
Olympics in LA will appear.
There are also differences in rolling stock through the decade,
based on what is seen in the official equipment registers for
the various years. For example, there were green Evergreen
lumber cars still running circa 1980, but as we push on into the
middle of the decade, those Evergreen cars disappeared.
So the next time you’re grappling with trying to stick to a cer-
tain era, consider what I’m doing. I call it a “sliding era”, where
you change out some of your equipment for newer equipment
over time. If you like a certain year really well, but you are also
Publisher’s editorial - 3
MRH-Jun 2014
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