Relocating Williams Creek bridge
Modeling real railroads and what they do
swear it’s not the case, but to regular readers of this column,
it must seem that my fellow Getting Real columnist Mike
Rose and I are in some sort of bizarre race to see which of us
can completely rebuild his layout one section at a time.
I won’t speak for Mike, but in my case there’s something of
a domino effect going on with all these changes to my HO
Central Vermont. I change one thing, and before I know it
another potential change (or two, or three, or six…) suggests
itself. You may have experienced what’s commonly called the
“might as well…” syndrome in everything from home remodel-
ing to model railroading. You know, the one that ends with the
line, “If you’re going to change that…you might as well change
this while you’re at it.”
So when some of my regular layout helpers showed up for a
Monday work session in January, they were surprised – actu-
ally shocked – to learn the first item on the to-do list was to
Getting Real column
by Marty McGuirk
Saving a favorite scene from the scrap heap ...
Getting Real Column - 1
MRH-Jun 2014